Use Fast Launch for instances with Sagemaker Processing


We're using ml.t3.medium in our SageMaker processing jobs, which are listed as fast launch instances which should spin up under 2 minutes, but they always take around 8-10 minutes to spin up. Is this type not compatible with Fast Launch? Is there any other way to speed up instance creation?

Dan S
preguntada hace 6 meses323 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


I understand that you are trying to use the ml.t3.medium instance type and that you are observing latency while creating Sagemaker processing jobs and would like to gather more information on the same.

I would like to mention that the 'ml.t3.medium' instances in SageMaker are compatible with Fast Launch, but actual spin-up times can vary due to several factors like regional availability, network conditions, and system load, including the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) used and the specific processing job configuration.

To potentially speed up instance creation, consider checking the instance’s region for availability, minimising dependencies, or trying different instance types to find the most efficient one for your processing jobs. Additionally, I would recommend you check your job setup, the AMI, and consider using pre-built images or optimizing configurations to potentially reduce launch times.

If you have any difficulty or if you still run into issues, please reach out to AWS Support [1] (Sagemaker) along with your issue or use case in detail, and we would be happy to assist you further.


[1] Creating support cases and case management -

respondido hace 6 meses

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