Can private fargate instances access public sites via internet gateway instead of a NAT?


Can private fargate instances (containers with private ip in private subnets) get access to public sites via internet gateway instead of a NAT?

preguntada hace 7 meses254 visualizaciones
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A NAT gateway is required if your containers are running in a private subnet.
If you can start a container in a public subnet, you can use an internet gateway to communicate.
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Once the private subnet have a default route to the Internet Gateway, the subnet will become a Public subnet under AWS terminology for Subnets. The other piece of this is that your container should be assigned with a Public IP for its traffic to route the internet. Thus you either assign a public IP to your containers to access the Internet directly behind the Internet Gateway or use a NAT gateway to do the translation behind the scene (Private IP <> Public IP) in case your containers are only assigned with Private IP.

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