Details about AWS Always Free tier - how to sign up


My 1 year free account expires at the EOM. How do I convert it to an always free account and what are the resource restrictions?

preguntada hace un año347 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi you do not sign up for Always Free Tier.

At the end of Free Tier (, the Always Free services (*all&awsf.Free%20Tier%20Categories=*all) are just free under certain circumstances for any customer, such as first 1.000.000 requests for SQS or Lambdas.

Hope it clarifies and if it does I would appreciate answer to be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity, thanks ;)

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respondido hace un año
  • Are all the services that were free during the first year, still free, or only a specific subset (ie, SQS/Lambda), and one would be billed for small former free instances, for example?

  • Free services usually belong to either always free (eg free amount of requests per month, then after a threshold, you pay), or 12 months free (which after that you have to pay) or free trial (depends on service). To answer your question, depends on the service, and I would suggest to look at the link above. For instance after 12 months, the free tier eligible ec2 (t2.small or similar) is not free anymore

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