Lambda Trigger "Service Error"


Hi all, I have several Lambda functions running that get triggered by a self managed Apache Kafka broker. Some of them are only needed occasionally and therefore the event source is disabled by default and will be activated manually from time to time. Starting a few days ago, I cannot edit (and activate) the trigger anymore failing with error message "Service Error" when saving. No additional information is provided besides that message. Has anybody a similar problem or even had solved it?

preguntada hace 2 años261 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

It sounds like a problem with the underlying Lambda service, so it is not much you can do. Stuff like this is quite rare, but it happens and will resolve itself when AWS finds the issue.

However, it can also be a bad error message for another issue, so try the following:

  • Doing it via the CLI or SDK. It would be an issue with the console.
  • Give yourself a lot of access (ex lambda:*) to verify that it's not access related. Sometimes AccessDenied can give weird errors, and a new version of the console, CLI or SDK can have added new APIs (like describe actions).
  • Open a support ticket.
  • Make sure you are not hitting any limitations (support can help with this).

I hope it helps!


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respondido hace 2 años

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