SSH keys for CPanel / WHM on Lightsail Instance


Please where can I get SSH keys for Cpanel WHM on Lightsail Instance? I am connecting using Filezilla. I could get SSH keys for Alma Linux and connect but could not access Cpanel files (/home/myfolder). I also tried Generating SSH keys from Cpanel itself but that didnt work...with error .."the connection refused our key". Thank you

preguntada hace 4 meses117 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


Connect to Alma Linux with SSH.
After connecting via SSH, try setting the connected Linux user to belong to the same group as "/home/myfolder".

sudo usermod -aG <Owning group name of "/home/myfolder"> <Linux-User>

It may be better to ask your question on cPanel's support forum rather than on re:Post.

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respondido hace 4 meses

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