An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the CreateCustomVerificationEmailTemplate operation: The success redirection URL is invalid.


I'm trying to create a new SES CustomVerificationEmailTemplate using the CLI.

aws ses create-custom-verification-email-template --template-name "NewTemplate" --from-email-address --template-subject "Please confirm your email address" --template-content "<html>  <body > <h1 >POST</h1> </body> </html>" --success-redirection-url "" --failure-redirection-url ""

I am receiving the error:

An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the CreateCustomVerificationEmailTemplate operation: The success redirection URL is invalid.

The URL is valid. I cannot even recreate an existing valid template using its current data from the CLI.

preguntada hace 3 meses108 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hello, I have reviewed the AWS CLI command and I can confirm that the CLI command is correct and there are no errors in the CLI command. With same command I was able to create custom verification email template without any issues. Since the issue cannot be replicated hence I would request you to please reach out to the AWS Premium Support/Technical support via a support case and please include the output of below command with debug option over the support case.

aws ses create-custom-verification-email-template --template-name "NewTemplate" --from-email-address --template-subject "Please confirm your email address" --template-content "<html>  <body > <h1 >POST</h1> </body> </html>" --success-redirection-url "" --failure-redirection-url "" --debug

Note: For security reasons sharing AWS CLI debug output over public forum is not recommended. Also for faster resolution I would request you to please reach out to the AWS Premium Support since Premium Support have access to CloudTrail logs to review the parameters received for an API call made via AWS CLI.

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