AWS LoadBalancer not redirecting HTTPS (GoDaddy DNS)


Hi everyone,

I am trying to configure my AWS ELB but I am having some troubles.
I have the following:

  • 1 EC2 (for testing with Apache and as a VirtualHost I have and
  • 1 ELB (HTTP/HTTPS allowed) - for example it is (for example to keep it easy)
  • GoDaddy Subdomains/Domains/DNS

Now, in GoDaddy I created an A record for to point to the EC2 to make sure it works. And it does work and I can navigate the website via HTTP/HTTPS.
In GoDaddy I also created a CNAME => that points to the ELB (

If I do a ping of I get the ELB IP. So all good here.

Now, if I use my browser (and the ELB SecGroup is HTTP/HTTPS allow) I get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.

I am not sure why. Anyone have ideas?
How does the AWS ELB forward the traffic? Is there a configuration missing on my side?

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

preguntada hace 5 años1232 visualizaciones
4 Respuestas

Hi Roberto,

What type of load balancer is it? ALB? NLB? Classic ELB?

Are you attempting to connect to the load balancer URL via HTTP or HTTPS? If HTTPS, do you have a valid certificate attached to the listener on the load balancer?

Can you please share your load balancer configuration?

Edited by: JayG50 on Sep 30, 2019 11:01 AM

respondido hace 5 años

Hi Jay,

The load balancer is an Application Loadbalancer.
I have a valid HTTPS certificate and the LoadBalancer imported the certificate without problems.

I am trying to connect to: that points to the loadbalancer and the ALB should forward the request to the server but apparently it is not.

I can see that the LoadBalancer can definitely reach the EC2 instance as I see:
"GET / HTTP/1.1" 429 6206 "-" "ELB-HealthChecker/2.0"

So the healthcheck works fine.

I might have found an issue with the security group that I am still investigating. Probably the problem is related to that.

Edited by: RobertoS on Sep 30, 2019 2:02 PM

respondido hace 5 años

Hi Roberto,

You may also want to look at how your target groups are configured and the ports they are listening on when traffic is forwarded from the listener. If your ALB is connecting to the EC2 instances via HTTP but the instances are configured to redirect to HTTPS, you will definitely have connectivity issues. Unless you need end-to-end encryption, you might want to try to disable HTTPS on the EC2 instances and only use HTTP to rule that out as the issue.

It would look something like this:
User -> (HTTPS) ALB -> Forward to Target group -> (HTTP) EC2

respondido hace 5 años

Yes, I fixed the problem. I had some problem with Security Groups.
Thanks all.

respondido hace 5 años

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