QsearchBar is not supporting via quicsight API


Qseachbar is not working ! I have followed the AWS documentation procedure to get the embedded url for quicksight q searchbar, but aws cli is giving me an unknown error attached below. Also i have followed the below procedure as per the documentation. please help me to resolve this issue

aws quicksight generate-embed-url-for-registered-user
--aws-account-id 111122223333
--session-lifetime-in-minutes 600
--user-arn arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:111122223333:user/default/embedding_quicksight_q_search_bar_role/embeddingsession --allowed-domains '["domain1","domain2"]'
--experience-configuration QSearchBar={InitialTopicId=U4zJMVZ2n2stZflc8Ou3iKySEb3BEV6f}

Aws is giving me unknown error for getting quicksight Q embedded url

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