Problem upgrading RDS MySQL instance - Unable to find error logs


I'm trying to upgrade my MySQL instance from v5.7, up to v8.0. At first it threw an exception, as I was using a custom parameter group. I switched the parameter group back to default, performed an immediate update, then the upgrade was green-lit to proceed.

It didn't show any issues after requesting the upgrade, I again selected to make the changes 'immediately', and it spent many minutes doing the update, then the status reverted to 'Active'. There were no errors shown on the console but, when I looked at the configuration, it states that it is still at v5.7!?

After hunting around, I see that some of the items in the config still say they are 'pending' an update (despite it stating that it had already done so). Finally, I have discovered this log entry: -

Database instance is in a state that cannot be upgraded: PreUpgrade checks failed: RDS detected incompatibilities when upgrading to MySQL 8.0.36. For details, see the PrePatchCompatibility.log file in the Logs section.

I have hunted everywhere, and there is no Logs section to be found. I even went through CloudWatch, thinking it might be there, but no luck. I am lost as to what to do next. I have also tried temporarily stopping the instance (thinking that might perform the maintenance sooner), but that seems to have made no difference. I have tried multiple times to perform the upgrade, and each time it says all went well, and no errors are provided (save for that log entry). Thanks for any help you can provide

preguntada hace 2 meses159 visualizaciones
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In the AWS RDS console there is a tab named 'Logs and Events'. The PrePatchCompatibility.log is there.

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revisado hace 2 meses
  • Got it! Annoyingly, the logs section was way down south, due to the large number of events in the section above it! ...I needed your assertion to get me to look further down - especially given that it was called "Logs and Events", where the first section below it was CloudWatch (which I assumed to be 'logs'), and then the events section just below that. Would probably have never seen it if you hadn't assured me it was there. Thank you. Now to work out the main problem which is why the upgrade is failing!

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