AWS Aurora3 - MySQL upgrade


We are in the processing of upgrading from AWS Aurora 2 to Aurora 3 (mysql) and have noticed a performance degradation. We have narrowed it down to the following parameter which affects the stats generated for index usage: innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages

The default value for mysql is 20, but this was changed in Aurora 2 to 128 (see following release notes)

It seems in Aurora 3 it reverted back to the mysql default of 20 again, was this deliberatly? Is it documented anywhere any other parameters that might have changed?


preguntada hace 5 meses213 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages is a modifiable instance level parameter for Aurora (2 and 3). You can use a parameter group to modify this yourself?

Using a custom parameter group will leave you in control of this value - and not rely on the value specified in the default parameter group.

respondido hace 5 meses
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revisado hace 5 meses
  • I appreciate i can change it by wanted to check why it changed, when you look at the parameter group it states 'Engine Default' on both aurora 2 & 3 but doesn't match the mysql documentation. Is there a way of checking other parameters that don't match the engine default?

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