Why there is no scope for an Indian child in AWS? AWS student registration also required credit card which an Indian child can't and debit (child card) not acceptable!

Mean, how did a indian child who want to learn and build skill in tech sector?, Any Indian school didn't provide student email or card. Thay only provide student ID card (which AWS didn't care)!

I think GitHub is much better than AWS as they know condition of India and support student ID card with live face recognition from I'd card.

It's very disappointing factor of AWS!

preguntada hace 5 meses157 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

There is no age verification to use AWS, however, to open an account you need to have an e-mail address, a telephone number and access to a credit card. If you do not have those then you cannot open an AWS account.

Since AWS accounts can be used by any number of users, a parent of guardian open it, and then set limit alarms on the spending for the child, before providing the child with user-access to the account. You can learn about spending limits here:

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