creating the "pglogical" extension on Postgresql 9.6.11



I'm able to create/add other extensions (pg_hint_plan, postgis) to my database, however when I attempt to create the pglogical extension ("CREATE EXTENSION pglogical"), an error is returned ("pglogical is not in shared_preload_libraries").

"pglogical" appears to be one of the default libraries in the "shared_preload_libraries" parameter group.

Is there a known issue with the "pglogical" extension and RDS at this time?


preguntada hace 5 años2252 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas


Have you rebooted your instance since adding pglogical into shared_preload_libraries?
If you run the sql command: "show shared_preload_libraries;" does pglogical show up?

John H

respondido hace 5 años

Hi John,

"pglogical" was already in "shared_preload_libraries" (I did not type it in.).
I have rebooted the instance.
The "show shared_preload_libraries;" command returned only one library - "rdsutils". This does strongly suggest that the "pglogical" library is not load (and is the root cause of the issue), however I'm unsure how to proceed (as "pglogical" is already in the "shared_preload_libraries" parameter).


respondido hace 5 años

Hi John,

Gaaahhhh - user error. I mistook the "allowed" values to be the default values.

I added "pglogical" to the blank "shared_preload_libraries" parameter, rebooted the instance and I have been able to create the pglogical extension as expected.

Thank you for your time

respondido hace 5 años

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