Cannot release/deallocate CIDRs


Hello and merry Christmas everyone. I'm actually stuck with a problem - I have an IPAM pool I want to remove but I cannot release allocated CIDRs because the vpc-%resource_name% doesn't exists anymore.

How can I solve that problem? When I'm trying to 'Ignore and release CIDR' it's show me 'Error ignoring %cidr_here%. InvalidResourceCidr.NotFound: The specified resource ID and CIDR does not exist.' Deallocating just constantly show 'Error deallocating.'


preguntada hace 2 años742 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
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You might be missing the service linked role:

You can enable it by using the following AWS CLI command: aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name

Kudos to Drew for the answer. ;-)

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años
  • Thank you, Brettski, for the help. It works and finally pool deleted successfully.

  • I have a situation when after account removal from organization: IPAM pool ID still show (Allocations tab) given VPC (Resource ID) with attached deleted account (owner ID) - service linked role exist at delegated IPAM account.

  • I have the same issue as sebp. Can anyone advise?

  • @sebp @timd I was able to delete the IPAM Pool without releasing the CIDR first.

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