How to set MSK Connect memory?


I am dealing with an OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space from my Kafka connector running on MSK Connect. While I see several options for how to change CPU resources, I can't find a way to adjust the memory available to the connector.

I particular, is there a way to adjust KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS? Or is that the wrong approach?

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Usually Java OutOfMemoryError happens when application needs to create a new object, but it doesn't have enough space in heap for this object even after garbage collection. In order to mitigate this issue, you should increase memory memory available for the connector by increasing MCU count. Each MCU represents 1 vCPU of compute and 4 GiB of memory[1]. Further you can also check and test the Autoscaled capacity mode of MSK connect connectors which is suitable for the cases where the capacity requirements for your connector are variable or if you don't know them in advance[1].

[1] :

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