Moving an entire website (InMotion, cPanel) over to Lightsail


Hi all,

So I'm fairly tech savvy but AWS feels like a whole different ball game to me and I'd really appreciate if someone could explain like I'm 5 how I move my entire website (this includes several subdomains) over from cPanel through InMotion hosting over to Lightsail and set it all up. The majority of the sites are Wordpress but I do have a Craft CMS subdomain which hosts a custom built platform. Also, can I install cPanel on Lightsail?

Thanks a lot

preguntada hace un año377 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

It is possible to use cPanel with Lightsail.
The following document is the official AWS quick start document.

profile picture
respondido hace un año

You can surely install cpanel but it will be an overhead as Lightsail is kids of cpanel service. I will suggest rearchitecting and finding out if you want to have the cms on different light sails and decide your migration strategy.

respondido hace un año

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