Does Amazon Workspaces support 32-bit application


Hey all,

May I know if Amazon Workspaces supports 32-bit application?

Best regards,

preguntada hace 4 años679 visualizaciones
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It depends. "Any 32-bit or 64-bit application that is compatible with Windows 7 through to Windows 10 / Server 2016" should be compatible with WorkSpaces. Amazon WorkSpaces doesn't, at the time of writing, natively support production workloads with camera redirection, USB redirection or LPT/COM port redirection - so if an application (32 or 64 bit) requires such device support there could be issues. Here, consider testing with, say, Fabulatech's technologies. The public beta of WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol does allow customers to test native USB camera support for Windows devices.

For customers who have legacy WinXP,Windows 7/10 applications that won't work in a Windows Server operating system, and the customer cannot deploy BYOL, we have solutions from AWS Partners such as Cloudhouse or Droplet Inc

There is no requirement to package applications with Amazon Workspace Application Manager (WAM) for WorkSpacecs. Given WAM only operates with Amazon WorkSpaces, is not available in all regions where WorkSpaces is supported, and does not support Linux - I would explore how your customer uses and deploys applications today and reuse that method; or look to AWS Partner solutions such as Liquidware Flexapp (available on Marketplace ); or indeed, make use of any application deployment tooling that can operate across your customer's different application environments.

respondido hace 4 años

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