Lightsail - Adding a tag while the instance is already running



As per the Lightsail documentation, we should be able to manage tags on instances after they been created.

There should be a Tags tab into the management page of the resource.
I can't see this tab. Everything else is there, except for "Tags" ....

Is a special IAM role missing on my account to manage tags on Lightsail resources ? I checked and didn't see any roles about this...


preguntada hace 2 años213 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
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Greetings from Lightsail, and thank you for your feedback.

When you go to your instance's management page, you can click on the ellipsis (three vertical dots) on top-right corner Enter image description here to see the tags option Enter image description here, and create/manage your tags.

Regards, guvenAWS

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años
profile picture
revisado hace un mes

Thanks , works fine !

respondido hace 2 años

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