I Can't associate one of my Elastic IPs


Hi guys, I have problems associating one disassociated Elastic IP ( to an EC2 instance. All the actions are unavailable (associate, disassociate, release etc...) . I'm using my admin account and only happens with this specific Elastic Ip. Maybe it's blocked ?

Thank you.

preguntada hace 2 años337 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Hello, Can you check if your EIP is already attached to any Network Interface (like that of a NAT Gateway)? You can do this by going to your console, navigate to VPC and search for Elastic IPs option. Look for your EIP ( and check the Summary section.

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años
profile pictureAWS
revisado hace 2 años

Hi! Yes, i just check and is attached to one Nat gateway

respondido hace 2 años
  • Okay, so this is why you are unable to associate that EIP with your instance. You can allocate a new EIP and attach that to your instance as you cannot disassociate an Elastic IP address from a NAT gateway after it's created. To use a different Elastic IP address for your NAT gateway, you must create a new NAT gateway with the required address, update your route tables, and then delete the existing NAT gateway if it's no longer required.

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