EKS SaaS Reference Architecture landing page access denied


Hi, I am trying to follow sample implementation of Reference EKS SaaS Application, https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-saas-factory-eks-reference-architecture. I can successfully deploy it with both options: with or without custom domain. However, when I tried to go to the landing page, I got access denied message. Did I miss anything?

  • Hi Blueagle, can you clarify why this was tagged with "SAP on AWS"? Is there some SAP-related context that this addresses also? If not please remove the tag; to help keep searches by others, relevant.

1 Respuesta

Verify that the IAM user or role you are using has the necessary permissions to access resources in the EKS cluster. The cluster's aws-auth ConfigMap maps IAM identities to Kubernetes RBAC roles.

Check that pods are deployed successfully in the cluster by running kubectl get pods

Ensure the application load balancer is configured with the correct target group and security group to route traffic to the pods.

Try deploying a simple test application like the echoserver using:

apiVersion: apps/v1 
kind: Deployment

kubectl create -f deployment.yaml

And check if you can access it at the load balancer endpoint.

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respondido hace 10 meses

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