Static domain for API Gateway connected to ELB and ECS with Apollo Client



Currently we have deployed API Gateway that is connected to ECS instance with Elastic Load Balancer. API Gateway is functioning correctly and we can invoke the instance with the generated invoke URL:

Note: ECS instance is running Apollo Client for Graph QL access, so we access the client using


and this works as expected.

Enter image description here

Setting up the custom domain:

We follow the instructions provided in


  1. We have already purchased a domain which we use for our services + SSL certificate.
  2. We want to use to direct to the API Gateway
  3. We go to the API Gateway and setup a custom domain:

Enter image description here

  1. Next, we create an A Record alias that points to the generated API Gateway domain name that was created in the step 3.

Enter image description here

  1. We setup the API Mapping to point to the existing API Gateway API:

Enter image description here

All done? This is where we get stuck. According to the documentation, this should be enough but what we receive from the

API Gateway domain generated in step 3 Enter image description here which was set in Route53 to point to the API Gateway Enter image description here

The question

In order to achieve the desired result of being able to access the API Gateway using custom domain: What did we do wrong and what to do to get it working?

Can provide extra information if needed.

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