Does Bedrock have an "Assistant" offering, where you can create a chatbot for a specific subject or task?


OpenAI has a concept of Assistants where you can create a chatbot for a specific subject/task etc. Ideally we'd like to use something similar on Bedrock, where we could create an Assistant for a specific purpose for example, for a particular health issue prompt, we can create an Agent Type 1 that address that specific issue (weight loss-related), Agent 2 (nutrition advice), Agent 3 (how to manage stress) [Note: these are made up examples]. By allowing us to create these very well scoped Assistants this would provide excellent safeguarding, enable them to be repurposed for different customers and changes to be made more easily. I was wondering if Amazon Bedrock have a similar offering? Thank you.

preguntada hace 3 meses1187 visualizaciones
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Please take a look at Agents for Amazon Bedrock. Amazon Bedrock Agents are fully managed AI capabilities that make it easier for developers to create conversational applications using generative AI. With Agents, developers can:

  • Automatically break down tasks without manual coding. The agent connects securely to company data through an API.
  • Convert data into a machine-readable format and augment requests with relevant information to generate accurate responses.
  • Call APIs to fulfill user requests, such as tracking inventory, sales data, supply chain information to recommend optimal reorder points.

Please refer for more details:

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