Does aws ecs fargate's eni allocate only one per task?


I know that in the case of EC2 in AWS ECS, multiple tasks can be assigned to one ENI by utilizing the trunking or bridge function.

However, in the case of fargate, the network part of AWS ECS shows that only EC2 can be trunked or bridged, so it is not clear whether multiple tasks can be assigned to one ENI.

I am curious about whether and to what extent it is possible to connect multiple tasks when fargate receives ENI allocation in AWS ECS.

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For ECS Fargate, you can only select "awsvpc" mode as the network mode.

The awsvpc network mode is supported for Amazon ECS tasks hosted on both Amazon EC2 and Fargate. Be mindful that, when using Fargate, the awsvpc network mode is required.

In "awsvpc" mode, one ENI is created for each task.
In other words, there is a 1:1 relationship between ENI and tasks.

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revisado hace 5 meses
  • I was confused because they didn't emphasize that it was only 1:1. Thank you for answer

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