Navigation through pages of RDS Instance Recent Events in UI doesn't work anymore


I can see there are 4 pages (1 2 3 4) of Recent events for an RDS instance (MySQL) but clcking on them doesn't change the page and also changing page size in the settings to 25 doesn't take effect - it only shows 5 recent events.

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preguntada hace un año244 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Yeah I don't like this page either. I should however be displaying the latest 24 hours of events as it's supposed to. If you want to see more events, up to 2 weeks, you can use the CLI, e.g.

aws rds describe-events --source-type db-instance --source-identifier you-db-instance-name --duration 20160

The "20160" is number of minutes in 2 weeks.

respondido hace un año

I was actually referring to events from the last 24 hours that I cannot fully see.

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respondido hace un año

But can you see the events OK via the CLI? That's an effective workaround.

respondido hace un año

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