RDS SQL server Instance stuck in Modifying state


I am trying to convert multi-az to single-az. Instance modification is done, but the instance is stuck in the modifying state. Kindly help me bring the RDS instance into an available state

preguntada hace 5 meses189 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


RDS SQL server will take sometime to convert multi-az to single-az based on the instance class size. This conversion doesn't interrupt the traffic, so i suggest you to wait for a bit before doing something.

If you have stop or reboot option available try using them.(But anyways when an RDS instance is in modifying state, those options are not enabled. try on your luck)

If your traffic is interrupted, raise a ticket to AWS asap to get your RDS in correct state.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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respondido hace 5 meses

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