AWS Lightsail Database: Inconsistency in encryption information


There appears to be an inconsistency in the encryption information for the Lightsail Databases.

On the product page, it is stated that the cheapest database is not encrypted (

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But when we look at the FAQ or the Lightsail panel, there is no information about that:

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Please clarify what kind of encryption the cheapest instance has? In order to comply with regulations, I need to ensure that both encryption at rest and in transit are enabled.

preguntada hace 7 meses252 visualizaciones
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Even with RDS, instance types with low performance such as "db.t2.micro" cannot be encrypted.
I think that the Lightsail managed database has a similar design behind the scenes as RDS.
Therefore, we expect that Lightsail, which has the lowest performance, may not be able to encrypt.

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respondido hace 7 meses

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