Deleted Greengrass Core Device Reappearing in AWS Console


Hi. I have recently been deleting a few unused AWS things and two Greengrass core devices but noticed one particular core device will seemingly resurrect after being deleted. From my observations, the core device seems to stay deleted for a handful of hours and then will reappear in the AWS console and report its status as Healthy. When I navigate to the core device details, it specifically mentions: "This core device can't connect to AWS IoT Greengrass because its AWS IoT thing no longer exists. To fix this core device, set up a core device with the same name. Until you fix this core device, you can't edit its information on this page." For clarity, when I deleted the core device I also deleted the corresponding AWS thing (target), which has stayed deleted the entire time. I have deleted the core device multiple different times and have tried a different method each time (using the AWS console, using the AWS CLI, using my root account instead of a provisioned IAM account) so I am unsure how to proceed now. Can anyone offer solutions so that deleted devices will stay deleted? Thanks in advance.

preguntada hace 2 años375 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
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you have a device with Greengrass Core software installed. Deleting the device from the Greengrass console would not affect the device, and when that device connects back to AWS, the Core Device is re-registered in the Greengrass backend. To avoid this situation you can:

  1. Remove the Greengrass Core software from the device (
  2. Delete the device certificate from the AWS IoT registry (



respondido hace 2 años
  • Thank you! This seemed to work.

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