Cloud Quest: Infrastructure with Generative AI issue


cdk deploy fails because it cannot find the right bucket, see figure 1 below. Also, should the CDKToolkit already in CloudFormation be in the CREATE_COMPLETE status instead of in the figure 2 below. Please advise on how to fix this. Thank you.

Figure 1: Enter image description here Figure 2: Enter image description here

preguntada hace 6 meses316 visualizaciones
5 Respuestas


In the error message, it reads: No bucket 123 is account bootstraps? To resolve this issue you first need to bootstrap your CDK environment to AWS. You have to do this for every environment, so for every Stack that you want to deploy to the Cloud. When the bootstraps operation is run the CDK creates the resources which it needs to perform its operations in the cloud.

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respondido hace 6 meses

I have the same problem. Tried it three times now but it just doesn`t work

respondido hace 6 meses

Are you able to run a bootstrap again ? In the doc it's written to attempt again with these parameters
--qualifier and --bootstrap-bucket-name to customize resource names if needed.

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respondido hace 6 meses

Thanks for the respond. I tried many times with different parameters you suggested but still received the following error: Enter image description here I also tried to delete the CDKToolkit stack but it seems I don't have the permission (restricted by the cloud quest environment). I wonder if there is anything I can do to fix or it is for aws to fix.

respondido hace 6 meses

Is there a way to force delete CDKToolkit using Cloud9 (I have no permission to CloudShell)?

respondido hace 6 meses

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