How to change default SSH Port for Connect on Lightsail Management Console


For security reasons, I have changed the SSH port from 22 to some different port and have opened up both my Lightsail server firewall as well as the IPv4 Firewall on the Lightsail instance console. And, I can successfully connect via SSH to my server over that different port.

How can I change the default port of 22 on the Lightsail Management console CONNECT command? When I go to add a rule for SSH it hard codes the value of 22 and I can't seem to find a way to change it.

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preguntada hace 10 meses336 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

As for browser-based SSH from Lightsail's management console, I don't think we users can change it as it is managed by AWS.

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respondido hace 10 meses

Hi Ramsay_E,

Unfortunately you cannot change the port used by the Lightsail CONNECT service (i.e. our Lightsail console browser-based SSH will only try to connect on port 22 to the instance).

Thank you for this feedback though!

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 10 meses

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