How do I set the source location used by the CodeCatalyst CDKDeploy stage?


I have a workflow in CodeCatalyst which attempts a build and deploy of my C# application.

The build stage is quite simple and uses dotnet build --configuration Release. If I download the artefact I can see that the built files live in the /bin/Release/net6.0 folder.

However the CDK Deploy stage is always failing as it is looking in /bin/Debug/net6.0 folder.

How do I configure the CDKDeploy stage to look in the Release folder?

1 Respuesta

Nevermind, I have found it.

In the cdk.json for the CDK Project, I can specify the configuration flag for the dotnet run command:


"app": "dotnet run --configuration Release --project MyProject.CDK.csproj",

respondido hace un año
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