What happens if SQS messages partially fail in SendMessageBatch?


If some messages fail and others succeed in SendMessageBatch, which of the following happens?

  • No messages will be retried automatically.
  • Only failed messages will be retried automatically.
  • All the messages, including the succeeded ones, will be retried automatically.


  • All the attributes of the client API instance are set to the default.
    • e.g. retry_limit: 3
  • No error handling on the client side except the default retry mechanics.
preguntada hace 2 años891 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

If some messages were sent (and in some cases, even if all messages failed), the API call will return 200. Therefor, there will not be a retry by the SDK. It is your responsibility to check the result to check which messages were sent and which failed, and act accordingly.

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respondido hace 2 años

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