CodePipline - Buid Stage fails with "Cannot have more than 0 builds in queue for the account"



My CodePipeline fails with the error

Error calling startBuild: Cannot have more than 0 builds in queue for the account (Service: AWSCodeBuild; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccountLimitExceededException;

When I check my Service quotas for CodeBuild, it says 5 and this is the only Build project.

Thanks in advance.

preguntada hace 2 años358 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


I hope you are doing well! I understand that you encountered a failure when attempting to start a build, even though your CodeBuild Service Quotas indicate that you have 5 available.

To resolve this issue, please create a support case with AWS and provide the error message you received. The support engineers will be able to assist you further.

respondido hace un año

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