cname for Elasticache Global Datastore primary cluster?


Is there a way to have a cname that points to the primary cluster of Elasticache Global Datastore?

The cname should stay the same and will always point to the primary cluster, even if it is changed to a different region.


preguntada hace un año993 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Yes, it is possible to have a CNAME that points to the primary cluster of an Elasticache Global Datastore. You can create a CNAME record in your DNS settings that points to the endpoint of the primary cluster.

However, if you want the CNAME to always point to the primary cluster, even if it is changed to a different region, you will need to update the CNAME record each time the primary cluster is changed. This can be done manually or through an automated process.

Alternatively, you can use a service like Amazon Route 53 to create a DNS failover configuration that automatically redirects traffic to the primary cluster, even if it is changed to a different region. With Route 53, you can create a failover record set that includes the primary cluster endpoint and any standby endpoints. Route 53 will monitor the health of the primary cluster and automatically update the DNS records to point to a standby endpoint if the primary cluster becomes unavailable. When the primary cluster is restored, Route 53 will update the DNS records to point back to the primary cluster.

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