How to aggregate records in S3 using IOT Rules and Action?


I'd like to aggregate prediction MQTT messages generated by the Greengrass ML Feedback Connector over a certain period into a JSON-Lines file in S3: Which may then be used as a SageMaker Ground Truth input manifest, or for other analysis.

I'm not clear from the doc on the IoT Rules S3 action whether:

  • It would be safe to have multiple (perhaps close/concurrent) messages pushing to the same S3 bucket & key via Rules
  • Messages would be concatenated into one file (with a separator?), or overwrite
  • There's enough flexibility in the IoT SQL functions to control the level of aggregation nicely (Seems like day/week/month would be tough, but probably could just do something with integer-dividing the timestamp() number

It seems like this is a use case that IoT Analytics has tools to handle, but I'm just trying to concatenate the messages together, not perform analyses/proper aggregations.

preguntada hace 4 años649 visualizaciones
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One option would be use Firehose to batch the data:

IoT Core --> Rule --> Firehose --> S3

In this flow, Firehose writes the messages in batches to objects stored in S3.

respondido hace 4 años

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