Are we charged for failed speech synthesis tasks?


According to the documentation, a StartSpeechSynthesisTask can fail for a variety of reasons, e.g. InvalidS3KeyException or ServiceFailureException. Would we be charged in those cases? Or would we only be charged if StartSpeechSynthesisTask succeeds?

preguntada hace 5 meses154 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


NO ,you will only be charged for a StartSpeechSynthesisTask if it succeeds. If the task fails due to errors like InvalidS3KeyException or ServiceFailureException, you will not be charged for that attempt. The Speech Synthesis task needs to be completed successfully in order to generate billable output. Failed or errored tasks do not result in charges. As with all AWS services, you only pay for successful requests and for the resources actually used.

Let me know if you have any other questions!



respondido hace 5 meses
  • Hi, thank you for your answer! Could you link to the documentation?

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