How long take to Amazon release access to API on Amazon Associates Program (affiliate)


Hi folks!

I have access to Amazon SiteStripe. I have achieved 3 sales.

How long take to Amazon release access to API on Amazon Associates Program (affiliate)? Is there any link that i have to reapply to the program?

Thank you.

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preguntada hace 5 meses210 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
Respuesta aceptada

There is no definitive timeline for when Amazon will grant API access to new Associates accounts. Here are a few guidelines:

  • API access is not granted automatically or after reaching a certain sales threshold. You have to explicitly apply for it.

  • You must be an active Associate for at least 2-3 months with regular transactions before requesting API access.

  • Having 3 sales is a good start, but you'll likely need 10+ transactions per month for a few months to be considered.

  • Amazon evaluates each API request individually based on account standing, website traffic, transaction history, etc. There is no guarantee of approval.

To request API access, log in to your Associates account, go to Account Settings > Program Policies and then click "Request API Access".

Fill out the application form with details on how you plan to use the API and submit. The Amazon team will review within a few weeks and let you know if approved.

I'd recommend continuing to drive transactions over the next couple months. Then request access again citing your account history and plans. But approval is still situational. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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