Cannot change/select Instance type and Image in the new SageMaker Studio


I want to run JupyterLab within the Space called "abc". I've attached a role with the AdministrationAccess policy for tests. But I cannot:

  • Save changes applied to the Space in any way from GUI
  • Change/Select Instance type and Image from GUI

What should I do to achieve this ambitious goal? BTW, error handling is terrible in the new version of SageMaker Studio, no information besides "Error: Unable to complete operation. Please try again." CloudTrail for help all the time to solve any issue.

Enter image description here

preguntada hace 4 meses344 visualizaciones
5 Respuestas

Clear your browser cache and cookies. Sometimes, issues with saving changes or updating configurations can be related to stale browser data and also try accessing SageMaker Studio in incognito/private mode to rule out any browser extensions or cached data causing issues also you should ensure that you are using the latest version of SageMaker Studio. AWS regularly releases updates and bug fixes, so updating to the latest version may resolve some issues. you could also refer to thos AWS documentation for more information :-

If all the above doesn't work . please provide the AWS Support with the logs you found on cloudtrail as this will help them to investigate deeper into the issue

Hope it clarifies and if does I would appreciate answer to be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity, thanks ;)

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respondido hace 4 meses
  • I did it many times including testing it on the other browsers.


Solved by recreating the whole domain. Looks like there was a misconfiguration issue on the AWS side as I found in CloudTrail a strange-looking error "Portfolio not found: port-xyz".

respondido hace 4 meses

Same issue here. Don't know why this happens.

I see an error that says:

ValidationException - "1 validation error detected: Value null at 'spaceSettings.codeEditorAppSettings.defaultResourceSpec.ec2InstanceType' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must not be null"

If I describe the space I can see these settings which do not contain the ec2InstanceType param

"SpaceSettings": { "CodeEditorAppSettings": { "DefaultResourceSpec": { "SageMakerImageArn": "arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:885854791233:image/sagemaker-distribution-cpu", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "1.3.0", "InstanceType": "ml.t3.medium" } }

Any ideas on how to fix this problem without deleting the domain? I believe my problems began when I tried to use a Life Cycle Configuration script.

respondido hace 4 meses

First, I would check any potential Access Denied errors in the CloudTrail events. Maybe some permissions are missing.

respondido hace 4 meses

After further debugging, I believe the problem originated from a lack of permissions on ECR. The events on CloudTrail do not show these errors, but my problem was resolved by granting privileges on ECR.

respondido hace 4 meses

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