AWS Bedrock Knowledge base setup


I would like to know in AWS Bedrock how to configure the knowledge base for my data source where the data is updated periodically. I need to retrieve the responses pertained to the data quickly?

preguntada hace 5 meses1776 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas
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This post is fully detailed step-by-step guidance for what you want to achieve:

With a knowledge base, you can securely connect foundation models (FMs) in Amazon Bedrock
 to your company data for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). Access to additional data 
helps the model generate more relevant, context-specific, and accurate responses without 
continuously retraining the FM. All information retrieved from knowledge bases comes with 
source attribution to improve transparency and minimize hallucinations. 



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respondido hace 5 meses
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revisado hace 2 meses
  • thank you for accepting my answer! Didier

  • I have set up the knowledge base of my sample data in s3 with Bedrock and created the data source in the console. Now i tested the knowledge base by posting the query to Anthropic Claude and i don't get relevant answers to my data. Responses turn out as inaccurate. What can i do ? will appreciate your responses.


Bedrock knowledge base implement Retrieval Augmented Technique where typically you need 2 components: a data source and a vector database. With Bedrock KB, you add data source as S3 (any type of file) and select a vector database as open search Serverless, Pinecone and others.

This blogs helps with setup:

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respondido hace 5 meses
  • I have set up the knowledge base of my sample data in s3 with Bedrock and created the data source in the console. Now i tested the knowledge base by posting the query to Anthropic Claude and i don't get relevant answers to my data. Responses turn out as inaccurate. What can i do ? will appreciate your responses.


A Follow up on your answers.. Thank you all for your valuable answers. I have set up the knowledge base of my sample data in s3 with Bedrock and created the data source in the console. Now i tested the knowledge base by posting the query to Anthropic Claude and i don't get relevant answers to my data. Responses turn out as inaccurate. What can i do ? will appreciate your responses.

respondido hace 5 meses

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