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to resolve the "Free Tier EBS: SnapshotUsage limit exceeded" issue:
1.Check All Regions:
- Ensure there are no snapshots in other AWS regions by selecting each region in the EC2 console and verifying the "Snapshots" section.
2.Confirm Snapshot Deletion:
- Double-check the "Snapshots" section in the EC2 console to ensure all snapshots are deleted.
3.Wait for Update:
- It may take some time for AWS to update the usage status after deletion. Wait a few hours and then check the EC2 console again.
What is displayed in that graph is the amount of free tier per month.
EBS snapshots are free up to 1GB per month.
Probably, but I thought that even if I deleted it, this month's free quota would not be restored.
The 1GB free tier should be restored again next month.
Check for Any Hidden Snapshots or AMIs:
- Use the AWS CLI or SDK to list all your snapshots and check if there are any remaining: aws ec2 describe-snapshots.
- Similarly, list your AMIs: aws ec2 describe-images --owners self.
Verify Deletion of Snapshots: Ensure that the snapshots you deleted are no longer appearing in the console. Also, double-check that they are not being retained as part of automated backup policies if you have any set up.
Check Snapshot Lifecycle Manager (SLS): If you've set up Snapshot Lifecycle Manager, make sure there are no policies retaining snapshots.
Contact AWS Support: If the problem persists, and you're sure you don't have any remaining snapshots or AMIs, it might be worth contacting AWS support. They can provide insights into your usage and any potential issues.
Hi peeps, thanks for the answers.
The warning is sitll there, but that makes sense if its there to the end of this months free tier usage.
I have checked everything above that has anything with Snapshot to do. There is no snapshots in any other region. The one that was in my own region (Stockholm), i deleted a few days ago.
I will see how it looks at the begining of next month.
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- OFICIAL DE AWSActualizada hace un año
If you are concerned about snapshots remaining in other regions, you can also open the tag editor from the URL below and search for snapshots as shown in the image below. https://ap-northeast-1.console.aws.amazon.com/resource-groups/tag-editor/find-resources?region=ap-northeast-1#
By the way, if you check the URL below, you can also check the remaining free tier for this month for other services. https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home?region=us-east-1#/freetier