Error in PutObjectTagging AWS PHP SDK 3.0


Seems to be an issue with the s3 PutObjectTagging() function in the PHP SDK 3.0.

The documentation example is:

$result = $client->putObjectTagging([
    'Bucket' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ChecksumAlgorithm' => 'CRC32|CRC32C|SHA1|SHA256',
    'ContentMD5' => '<string>',
    'ExpectedBucketOwner' => '<string>',
    'Key' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'RequestPayer' => 'requester',
    'Tagging' => [ // REQUIRED
        'TagSet' => [ // REQUIRED
                'Key' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
                'Value' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            // ...
    'VersionId' => '<string>',

but when I call it in my application like this:

 $result = $s3Client->PutObjectTagging([ 'Bucket' => $launch_bucket,
                                                    'Key' => $zipfilename,
                                                    'Tagging' => [
                                                        'TagSet' => [
                                                            'Key' => 'wizard',
                                                            'Value' => '1'

I get the rather bizarre error:

Found 2 errors while validating the input provided for the PutObjectTagging operation: 
[Tagging][TagSet][Key] must be an associative array. Found string(6) "wizard" 
[Tagging][TagSet][Value] must be an associative array. Found string(1) "1"

According to the documentation ( the Key and Value fields must be strings, not associative arrays ...

Unless I'm missing something really obvious ...


preguntada hace 8 meses275 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
Respuesta aceptada

Ahh!!! That's it ... TagSet is an array of arrays inside an array inside an array 🙄 I must have gone code blind after staring at it for so long 😂

respondido hace 8 meses


I tried running the code below in my environment, but no error occurred.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Aws\S3\S3Client;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;

$s3Client = new S3Client([
    'region' => 'ap-northeast-1',
    'version' => '2006-03-01'

$result = $s3Client->putObjectTagging([
    'Bucket' => 'S3-Bucket-Name', // REQUIRED
    'Key' => 'test.yml', // REQUIRED
    'Tagging' => [ // REQUIRED
        'TagSet' => [ // REQUIRED
                'Key' => 'wizard', // REQUIRED
                'Value' => '1' // REQUIRED

I think you will be successful if your code is as below.
Try modifying it to the following code.

$result = $s3Client->PutObjectTagging([ 'Bucket' => $launch_bucket,
                                                    'Key' => $zipfilename,
                                                    'Tagging' => [
                                                        'TagSet' => [
                                                                'Key' => 'wizard',
                                                                'Value' => '1'
profile picture
respondido hace 8 meses
  • Hi,

    That's great to hear, thanks for your reply!

    I'm struggling to see what's different though - apart from the S3 initialisation it all looks the same as I have?


  • Comparing your code and mine, there are differences as follows.

    diff my.php your.php
    < $result = $s3Client->PutObjectTagging([ 'Bucket' => $launch_bucket,
    >  $result = $s3Client->PutObjectTagging([ 'Bucket' => $launch_bucket,
    <                                                             [
    <                                                                 'Key' => 'wizard',
    <                                                                 'Value' => '1'
    <                                                             ]
    >                                                             'Key' => 'wizard',
    >                                                             'Value' => '1'
  • My Code:

                                                            'TagSet' => [
                                                                    'Key' => 'wizard',
                                                                    'Value' => '1'

    Your Code:

                                                            'TagSet' => [
                                                                'Key' => 'wizard',
                                                                'Value' => '1'

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