CloudFront with EIP as origin



I'm looking for some confirmation that traffic flowing through an EIP as an origin for CloudFront will not result in charges between Cloudfront and the EIP.

If you are using an AWS origin, effective December 1, 2014, data transferred from origin to edge locations (Amazon CloudFront "origin fetches") will be free of charge. This applies to data transfer from all AWS regions to all global CloudFront edge locations.

This is my understanding, but looking for some confirmation in case I'm missing something special with EIPs.


preguntada hace 4 años383 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
Respuesta aceptada

Yes, that is correct. There will be no data transfer out charge from EC2 (EIP) to CloudFront. The customer will only be charged for data transfer out to the Internet from CloudFront.

respondido hace 4 años

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