Mountpoint_s3::fuse: release failed


I have mounted an s3 bucket using mountpoint_s3 with the following command: mount-s3 --allow-root --read-only my-bucket-name mymountdir

It mounted without errors and I can see the files from the S3 bucket in the mounted directory.

But now I am seeing many errors in syslog that look like this: mount-s3[1369]: [WARN] ioctl{req=2340 ino=40 fh=133 cmd=21505}: mountpoint_s3::fuse: ioctl failed: operation not supported by Mountpoint mount-s3[1369]: [WARN] release{req=2346 ino=40 fh=133}: mountpoint_s3::fuse: release failed: unable to unwrap file handle reference

Why am I getting these errors and what should I do to keep from getting them?

preguntada hace 6 meses409 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

This has been logged as a bug, but was closed due to lack of information from the user that reported it back then

Could you re-open that bug and provide the more detailed information that was requested by the AWS engineer

if that's not possible then log a new issue

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respondido hace 6 meses

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