SageMaker issue: cannot start kernel


Hello, I have a problem with SageMaker: I tried to start kernel with ml.g5.12xlarge instance, but it failed with InternalFailure error. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts I started to get another error about account-level service limit. My limit is 1, and it says I already have 1 instance running. However, I do not see any running instances in the list of running instances. So now I am stuck. Could someone from AWS technical support help me please?

InternalFailure error

Failed to start kernel Failed to launch app [pytorch-1-13-cpu-py-ml-g5-12xlarge-9b5704dda36ab08eb9a29af41aed]. ResourceLimitExceeded: The account-level service limit 'Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.g5.12xlarge instance' is 1 Apps, with current utilization of 1 Apps and a request delta of 1 Apps. Please contact AWS support to request an increase for this limit. (Context: RequestId: 03518865-dde3-493e-8751-b631cf7e80ea, TimeStamp: 1682699325.895717, Date: Fri Apr 28 16:28:45 2023)

preguntada hace un año347 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi - I would suggest to check on endpoint and any notebook instance types in your account.

You can then always request a quota increase using these steps

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respondido hace un año

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