Amazon Connect and Voicemail solution


One point in the solution guide: that I couldn't get to work. When I try to do Step 4. Generate and Download Contact Flows the save and download buttons are both greyed out. They never change to where I can click on them.

preguntada hace 2 años761 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

As it turned out, the answer was I had the same login for administrator and manager. I didn't need to differentiate. The solution let me make them the same. I noticed that it had me designated as a manager. The manager cannot download or update the information. I made them different and I can access administrator.

respondido hace 2 años

I believe it has to do with the password you sent. Make sure to set different passwords for each user.

profile picture
respondido hace 2 años

Now that I have the buttons available, nothing downloads. Why is that?

respondido hace 2 años

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