what is the root password


I launched the deep learning ami but it says no sudoers; and the root is password protected. So what is the password?

preguntada hace 5 años1025 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

hi simoneva@,

Could you help us with the following -

  1. Which OS (Ubuntu-18/Ubuntu-16/AmazonLinux-1/AmazonLinux-2) are you using?
  2. The user you are trying to log in as?

It would be great if you can provide us with the steps to replicate.

In general, for an:

  • Ubuntu based Deep Learning AMI, ubuntu user should have sudo permissions and should not need a password
  • AmazonLinux based Deep Learning AMI, ec2-user user should have sudo permissions and should not need a password
respondido hace 5 años

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