Whitelisting Domains For Embedded Dashboards in Quicksight


Hi, I am using Quicksight to embed a dashboard into a SFDC ISV application. Running into issues because each new SFDC customer that uses my application needs to be whitelisted in Quicksight. Is there a way around this?

An example of a URL is "https://MYCOMPANY--four-cast.naXX.visual.force.com" where ***MYCOMPANY ***is a unique organization name and "XX" is a number of one of the ~100 North American instances SFDC uses.

preguntada hace 2 años441 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

There is a limit of 100 on pre-configured domains, but please keep an eye on WhatsNew and Blogs pages for new feature announcements.

respondido hace 2 años

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