How to see who called me on AWS Connect ? How to create contacts ?


We started using AWS Connect and had a few questions from the end users and wanted to see if anyone had any solutions to this

when someone calls me on AWS Connect, CCP is available, but I'm on a different screen /busy and didn't get to answer the call, but the app only says 'the customer ended the call. how can I see who actually called me?

preguntada hace un año325 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

You can customize CCP by using the "Amazon Connect Streams API".
I thought we could use this one and customize it to display the phone number.

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respondido hace un año

The way to do this as scale is to do a custom CCP for sure. The other option that would be available out of the box is to use contact search to find who called.


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respondido hace un año

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