How to lease a long code for aws pinpoint (voice enabled)



I want to lease a long code (In europe, if possible in Germany) for aws pinpoint which is voice enabled.

Any idea how to do this?


preguntada hace 2 años304 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Not sure about lease, but you can purchase a phone number (voice-enabled long codes) through the Amazon Pinpoint console. If the country is not listed there, then you must open a case with AWS Support. In Create Case, choose Service limit increase and for the Limit Type, choose Pinpoint Voice. For Germany, you will need to provide a local address. See this documentation for more details:

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respondido hace 2 años
  • I wish you would work for aws support :) I know that this is the normal process but they ask me first to send a test message which is obviously not possible without a number. Do you have any other idea?

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