Images in manifest file are not within supported limits.


I created a simple hello world example in order to give Lookout for Vision a test drive, by using one class of the MNIST test set (as png) as normal and then a subset of another class as anomalous. I had them auto-labelled via the option of reading the label from the folder name.
This seems as barebones as can be, but during training I get the error:
"Images in manifest file are not within supported limits."
Given that the manifest file was auto-generated, this really seems like a bug, but even if it's not, the error message strikes me as quite unhelpful. It might be beneficial to point to exactly what limit is being exceeded.

Anyway, if anyone knows what I am doing wrong here, any help is greatly appreciated.

Edited by: AlexMei on Jan 6, 2021 5:48 AM

preguntada hace 3 años377 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Hi Alex - apologies for the delayed response here. Can you share more details about the size of your dataset and image resolution to help troubleshoot? As a reference, here is a list of quotas for training, testing, and inference:

respondido hace 3 años

Thanks for the link. Now it's obvious, because the images are just 28x28 pixels and should be at least 64x64.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.

respondido hace 3 años

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