MFA recovery - Call me now gives "Phone verification could not be completed"


I'm trying to log into my root account but don't have the MFA code. If I go through the MFA recovery process it verifies me successfully via email and then prompts me with a "Call me now" button. When I press this it says "Phone verification could not be completed".

I haven't changed my phone number since creating the account and I would have successfully used MFA to log in previously so they would have the correct phone number.

Anyone know how to resolve this? I'm locked out of my root account :(

preguntada hace un año4547 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

This was caused by the phone number not having the international code in front of it. Not a very helpful error message and the AWS contact settings don't state that you should do that. Grrr. AWS support were very good though.

respondido hace un año
  • how did AWS help with the resolution. I am getting no where with the exact same problem - no country code.


I have exact same issue but getting nowhere with support. How was it resolved? I can not find a way to get out of this mess.

respondido hace 6 meses

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