connect a cloudfront distribution to a lightsail wordpress instance after configured HTTPS on it


I have configured wordpress instance to use https following this docs

I also want to connect a cloudfront distribution to improve performance, but after connect the distribution and have setted https only flag it returns a 502 error saying The request could not be satisfied.

Error message

I have already done the wp config edit for cloudfront distribution described in this docs

is there any way to configure a distribution after have setted HTTPS on wordpress instance?

preguntada hace 8 meses246 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


A 502 error occurs when CloudFront cannot access your origin.
What settings are you making to access the origin from CloudFront?
Did you specify HTTPS Only when specifying the origin in CloudFront?

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respondido hace 8 meses
  • Yes I have specified the HTTPS only flag. So, problem is that instance is using a self signed cerificate created using Let's encrypt

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